Sunday, October 7, 2012

Elizabeth Smart

My admiration and kudos goes to Elizabeth Smart, who has overcome and risen from about one of what I consider, the worst series of events that could happen to a young girl.  I believe that after suffering at the hands of her abductors, it was her family and strong religious background and upbringing that have gotten her through.  I was told that she spoke this past weekend in Chicago, and my sister was able to speak with her for a brief moment.  The event that she spoke at can be found here

I wonder, if anyone of us had gone through what she did, and lived to tell about it, could we become the well adjusted person that she is today?  What was it that got her through?  I have some thoughts..

Faith - Faith in the God and the knowledge that she knew she was his beloved daughter.
Strong Values - She was  raised with strong values, and a knowledge of who she is and what she has the potential to become.

Jesus Christ's Atonement  - I feel pretty sure that the Atonement lives in her life.  The Lord sufferend for us, so we don't have to.  She has somehow learned to forgive and give her troubles away to the Lord.  He did for us, what we could not do for ourselves.  She did nothing to be forgiven of, however she had to have pleanty to give to the Lord, lest she carryaround such heavy burdons her life.

Her Mothers unconditional love - Elizabeth knew her Mothers love and voice and that carried her through some of the worst days she was in captivity.